‘Luggage: Detritus and Dreams’ has been selected as a semi finalist for the Doug Moran Portrait Prize in New South Wales . At $150,000.00 prize money, this is the richest portrait prize in the world apparently. This is very exciting, daunting and gobsmacking. I have sent the work encased in metres of bubble wrap off on the truck to Sydney and crossed my fingers (and legs and eyes). Thematically it is a suitable work for a travelling exhibition like the Moran, practically it is more problematic with all its bits of junk.
This is a fantastic opportunity and the other works are magnificent - favourites are Collina Joy Grant’s portrait of Reg Livermore and Gail Willoughby’s ‘Felix (with Taz)’ and.......about a dozen others. Have a look on the website and cross your fingers for me Moran shortlist